Men's Den


What is it? how do we get it? How does it improve my life? How can I apply it in my life. what does tell me about God? Join the zoom meeting to learn more about wisdom, every 1st and 3rd Friday of every month. Ask for the link!

End it Now. 

As men we need to protect the most vulnerable.

August 26, 2023, "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: When those who claim to be followers of Jesus harm others"

“Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing” is a candid look at abuse by anyone in a position of spiritual authority or influence. While abuse is always destructive, the damage and fallout are magnified when it is perpetrated by someone who claims to be a Christian and is either a member or a leader within the church. The morning session will give an overview of what constitutes abuse along with the unique impact of abuse when it is perpetrated by someone who claims to follow and represent Jesus. It will also examine the responsibility of the community of faith to the victim as well as to the abuser when abuse does occur. The afternoon session will start with a short film entitled “Sarah’s Diary” which features a true story illustrating how one in a position of spiritual authority and influence can become “a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” This will be followed by an open dialogue about how the body of Christ should protect “members of the flock, particularly the lambs in our midst” as well as how to respond when it does happen. 

Sermon August 26, 11:00 am


Sabbath Afternoon workshop, August 26, 1:30 pm, "Sarah's Diary"