Food Bank

Is open from every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, of the month. Located at 163965 E. Ramona Parkway, Baldwin Park, CA 91706

Our food bank at Baldwin Park Adventist Church have serviced the church and the community for many years. You are welcome to come in if you are in need. Due to the CoVid 19 social distancing we ask you to remain in your cars as you drive in our parking lot. The parking attendants will guide you through the process.  

See the interview of our Director, Neomi Sias, posted on Facebook page.

Serving and Loving the Community

Thank you to all the volunteers

Posted by Baldwin Park Bilingual (L.A) Seventh Day Adventist Church on Monday, June 29, 2020
Church in Action

Church caring for our community.

Posted by Baldwin Park Bilingual (L.A) Seventh Day Adventist Church on Monday, June 29, 2020

 Below are other resource that may be valuable to you: